So you wanna know how to encrypt a file? Well you can't!
I will just give you the basic. You must know a bit of programming

I will demonstrate the programs in my own special language.....
It's ALMOST Basic( QuickBasic )
Programming demonstrations in C++ would make it harder for some of you
so I chose BASIC 

I will comment on every command.

First learn a computer language. Like C/C++, PASCAL, COBOL, JAVA, C#,
                                                                  BASIC, VISUAL BASIC....

You must know how to use I/O (Input / Output) operations.

I/O is related to file opening, closing, editing, and deleting.
So you would be able to encrypt a chosen file of course.

ok let's go on:

FIRST I will give you some pretty important tips:

  1. Some programs ( from the internet ) protect your files with
    passwords. But it is not secured at ALL! It actually makes
    it worse! Yes I do mean it. I will explain it a bit later. 
    click here to read the explanation.
  2. Don't let the file contain any material that may cause the hacker to
    dought the ease!
  3. Be careful of every step you do
  4. Try to encrypt the file more than one time for better results.

USE the tips above. Don't just leave them. (Even though you know it's useless!)

If you are a pretty advanced programmer you could do these:

  1. You can XOR, or NOT every byte in the file with a number of the
    user's choice!
  2. Password don't have to be contained in the file.
    You don't have to tell the user that the password is right...or wrong.
    All you have to do is decrypt the file, depending on the password.
    In other words....Every password decrypts a file in a different way!!!!
    This makes the chances of hacking SLASHED to 1%!!!!!!
  3. You don't have to distribute your program. Use it for your self and
    your friends. Use the best encryption for your self and friends....
    Not for the world! If you are reading this page because you want to
    bring money for software...then please GET OUT
  4. you can take a byte...convert it to binary, flip it, then return it.
    In other words:
            Let's say the byte had the code 5 in ASCII:
            so in binary it would be:
            after flipping it:
            And convert that to denary(numbers)
            And so:   5 gets converted to 160!

You can use MANY concepts.
It's SOOOOOOO easy!

return to funstuff

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this page was last updated: Friday, October 12, 2001